Lafleur Clarinet Serial Numbers

Thanksfor your visit to clarinetpages and I'm happy to try to answer yourquestion. Your Mom's clarinet is listed on the Vintage page, as I thinkyou saw. I haven't had a chance to review one like it yet. It isdefinitely a French Stencil clarinet. I assume that it is wood, beingthat old. Otherwise the music store would not have put that high aprice on it.
I hate to tell you: Because the instrument is anodd brand, it won't sell well on eBay (which is where I sellinstruments from time to time). And, if you look at the vintageinstruments I have reviewed, you will see that they vary widely inquality. I won't be able to tell how well your instrument will play andwhat it worth without playing it. I have sold some restored Frenchstencil instruments for as much as $224, but most of the time at lessthan $200. (eBay prices are half of what you would expect to pay at a music store.)
Try doing an advanced search on eBay, check“completed sales,” and search for “vintage clarinet.” I think you willsee that if unrestored, you're looking at maybe a $30-50 value. I would beglad to restore the instrument (and that would give me a chance to puta review and pictures on the web site). My charge for this is very reasonable,but you would have to also pay shipping both ways. (See the Spa Treatments page.) The best time tosell your instrument is in the summer. A lower quality French Stencil clarinet—
Lafleur Clarinet Serial NumbersLafleur Clarinet Serial Numbersif reconditioned

Real rock return riddim rarest. Cute count basie full score pdf. Lafleur Clarinet Serial Numbers. 7/18/2017 0 Comments The original confiuration of Horn-u-copia was the Forum. However, to further support accomplishment of its.

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, can make a good horn for a beginner, and would be worth $140-180. A really good quality French Stencil clarinet, if restored, will be suitable for an intermediate player and might be worth $225-300.
I hate to see vintageclarinets like yours made into lamps or wall art! They're worth morethan that. Use plastic and metal clarinets for that! One of the best things you can do with a good vintage instrument is put it into the hands of a young student. (Only do this if it has been reconditioned! Otherwise it will just be a discouragement.) Also I often recommend vintage clarinets for adults returning to playing clarinet. If your vintage clarinet has a wide bore, it could be great for jazz.

Leblanc Clarinet Serial Numbers

For Florida: Consider Melbourne Municiple Band's summer music program for kids.

Buffet Clarinet Serial Number Lookup

For Kansas: Consider Scaling Barriers, which is a non-profit organization providing musical instruments to youth to participate in school bands.
For Arkansas: Consider (I'm not sure that org is still functioning. May2012)
For Louisiana: Consider The Roots of Music, an after school youth music program in New Orleans.