Microsoft Windows 7 Startup Sound Wav

Active9 months ago

Sometimes, when I start my machine, the volume control is set to 100, but it plays relatively quiet. I can fix it by rebooting my machine. Is there a way to restart audio devices, without rebooting the computer?

The Windows 95 startup sound is something special. The first time it was not just a simple signal, but a jingle. The story behind it is something with Brian Eno, on a separate page. Duration: about 6 seconds. Personalizing Your Work Environment in Microsoft Windows 7. Configuring Sound and Audio Devices. Select the event and click Browse to select another sound file (in.wav audio format) on your system. Choose (None) from the Sounds drop-down list to remove a sound. The most frustrating Windows 7 audio problem solved. You can check this by opening up Regedit and going to HkeyLocalMachine>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>MMDevices>Audio>Renderer and right clicking any of the keys in this stack. In the Permissions tab of the properties dialogue, there should be a user called 'AudioEndpointBuilder'.

Peter Mortensen
8,54416 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges
6282 gold badges7 silver badges11 bronze badges

7 Answers

I also had to stop AudioEndpointBuilder and restart it

If you look at Windows' Task Manager's 'services' tab, that might help you identify what services you have tied to audio.

5,30021 gold badges61 silver badges110 bronze badges
1,2641 gold badge8 silver badges3 bronze badges

Open up a command prompt as administrator and run:

This restarts the Windows service responsible for handling audio.

2,9161 gold badge15 silver badges17 bronze badges

For Windows 7, I used this and hope it will work for all Windows flavors:

  1. Right click on My Computer
  2. Chose Manage
  3. Select Device Manager in the left panel
  4. Expand Sound, video and game controllers
  5. Find your audio driver and right click on it.
  6. Chose Disable
  7. Right click on the audio driver again
  8. Chose Enable

It should start working now.

Peter Mortensen
8,54416 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges
Akram AliAkram Ali

Thanks for the answer, it helped me too. Something stuck in my sound card buffer and kept looping.I was not able to disable my card in Device Manager, (it wanted to restart Windows 7).But stopping the service helped, (though only that did not solve my problem alone).

So this is what I did:

Then I was bale to disable the audio device in Device Manager.Then I re-enabled it, and

This reset my card and solved my issue.

Steven SparkSteven Spark

This problem is intensely annoying. I have found a solution that works for me. It isn't permanent as you have to do it each time the speakers stop, but it is better than restarting all the time.

Go to Device ManagerRight click on Sound video and game controllersand click 'scan for hardware changes'

Microsoft Windows 7 Startup Sound Wave

That works for me.


Check your device manager and go to audio in and outputs. Now check the box show hidden devices (in view) and delete all the devices other than the ones that you have when you didn't show the hidden devices. Reboot.

There must have been some leftover drivers that interfered.

Jens Erat
13.5k11 gold badges47 silver badges61 bronze badges

I came looking for a way to restart my Creative X-Fi Titanium driver w/out restarting. Sometimes when I change the Mode, I'll get a buzz out of the right channel that may force me to restart Win7 several times to get rid of.

This fix didn't work for me but as I was unable to Disable the X-Fi in the Device Mgr., which stated it would require a restart when I tried. I'd tried to kill all related software, but maybe there was something I missed, being the massive driver that it is.


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Microsoft Windows 7 Startup Repair

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