Bubbling Up From The Abyss Pdf

The main idea was to make a piece of sculpture,” says Paris-based designer Mattia Bonetti of the fantastical dining table he dreamed up in 2003. “I was imagining something telluric, from an abyss under the surface of the sea or in a very deep cave. Trees, corals, bubbling volcanoes—all these shapes together become a table, et voilà!” Fittingly, he named it Abyss.

Sheet steel, because of its ability to be rendered perfectly flat, was used for the surface, while the baroque base was cast in bronze. Then, to achieve the glossy, electric hues in his imagination, Bonetti called upon a cousin, a professional gilder, to coat the table with white gold leaf and colorful transparent varnishes.

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Meant to be a usable sculpture, it had, he says, “some requirements of economy. It needed a certain height [29.5 inches], depth [51.2 inches], comfort, and someplace to put your feet and legs under.”

World's deepest underwater cave still has no bottom Polish explorer says the Hranice Abyss is 'at least' 1,325 feet deep.


The otherworldly creation, which made its debut at a show at London’s David Gill Gallery, was part of a minuscule edition of eight (two have yet to be realized) and costs around $300,000, plus shipping. (It weighs a whopping 838 pounds.) Still, despite its rarity, the table sprouts from the floors of tastemakers worldwide. Collector George Lindemann bought the first one, all pinks and golds, for his Miami Beach house, where it is joined by eight complementary chairs that he commissioned from Bonetti. Tiffany & Co.’s chief artistic officer, Reed Krakoff, ordered a narrower, blue version for his Paris living room, and, perhaps not surprisingly, Gill and his partner, AD100 designer Francis Sultana, placed a red-and-gold version in their Maltese palazzo.

AD100 talent Frank de Biasi, who decorated Lindemann’s home, explains the powerful appeal of Bonetti’s wild Abyss: “When the kids sit around it, it looks like a kids’ table, and when the adults sit around it, it becomes very sophisticated. It’s actually much more classical than you think.”

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“Demon Frog God”

Alignment: Chaotic evil

Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Water

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Symbol: Likeness of the Frog God, carved in soapstone

Garb: Green and violet robes, if any

Favored Weapons: Any that slash, cut, and are wickedly curved, as well as, ropes or nets


Form of Worship and Holidays: Too gruesome and perverse to describe even by Our standards!

Typical Worshipers: Aberrations, tsathar, sentient frogs, evil water monsters, The Violet Brotherhood

This foul frog-demon cares less about the machinations of men and power than he does about obliterating light and life with slow, oozing sickness and decay. He is the vicious dark evil bubbling up from beneath the surface, the foul corruption at the heart of the earth. Making his home on the plane of Tarterus at the mouth of the vast swamp of filth deposited by the River Styx as it flows out of the Abyss, Tsathogga’s main form is a colossally bloated humanoid frog with spindly, elongated limbs and fingers. His corpulent body exudes all manner of foul humors and fluids that leak into the vile swamp in which he lies. He has positioned himself so that all of the slime and filth from the River Styx feeds into his gaping, toothy maw. He never moves and rarely speaks other than to emit an unintelligible shrieking. Tsathogga commands a host of evil creatures — notably evil aberrations and his own vile frog race, the tsathar. Thousands of fawning tsathar servants continuously bathe his body in fetid slime from the evil swamp, awaiting the divine bliss of being randomly devoured by him. His hatred of light and lack of human worshipers (though there are a few notable exceptions) mean that he is little known to surface races. He has had few organized centers of worship and no standardized holy symbol — each worshiper choosing its own way to best depict his deific vileness. Occasionally, tsathar priests of Tsathogga on Tarterus sculpt a small likeness of him out of foul chunks of solid waste from the Styx that harden into a vile green substance similar to soapstone when taken from that plane. Such items are prized as holy relics.

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Rappan Athuk© 2012 Frog God Games; Authors: Bill Webb, Matt Finch, Clark Peterson, WDB Kenower, Greg Raglund, Greg Vaughan, and Skeeter Green.