Setup Ini Not Found Adobe Customization Wizard Xi

Setup Ini Not Found Adobe Customization Wizard Xi

Used the Adobe Customization Wizard 9 to make the MST file. When I look at the setup.ini it says: [startup]. I found it easier to always use the full path for both the package and the transform.

Take the / away from TRANSFORMS.

I assume you are extracting the files from the EXE using this method?

AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe -sfx_o'<extraction_folder_path>' -sfx_ne(Make sure there are no spaces between _sfx_o and the extraction folder path. The quotes marks are required.)


Adobe Customization Wizard Xi Download

Example: AdbeRdr11009_en_US.exe -sfx_o'e:appsAdobeReader11.0.9' -sfx_ne

Setup Ini Not Found Adobe Customization Wizard Xiv

Also once you have the MST file created, do the following. This way, you won't have to call the MST file from the command line. The 'msi' and 'PATCH' lines should already be filled in, so you'll just need to add the 'CmdLine=' line.

Once you have the transform file ready, open the Setup.ini file and make sure the it has the following lines under [Product]


Setup Ini Not Found Adobe Customization Wizard Xii

Save the file and run the installer by using: Setup.exe /sAll /rs