Microsoft Word 2010 Import Xml To Access

Active7 years, 3 months ago

Transfer data from a Word form to an Access table using the Import Text Wizard. Start the Import Wizard in Access. Check out the Microsoft Access archive and catch up on other Access tips. You can also view these files using Microsoft Word or Notepad, but the display is not formatted as well. Import Options. Access allows you to specify how you want an XML file to be imported into a database. There are various Import options available in Access for importing an XML file.

Hello there I wish to create an XML Schema for word 2010 and specify that to a word document so that the word doc is now based on my own Custom XML schema and so that I can apply my own XML elements to that word file? There's an option in the developer tab in MS word 2010 to apply your XML elements but for that you have to specify a XML schema. I have googled on creating custom xml schema for word 2010 it but no luck! Any thoughts are sample code would do a great favour Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards!

Muhammad UsmanMuhammad Usman

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1 Answer

Microsoft Word 2010 Import Xml To Access

This blog might help.

Ms Access Export To Xml

Lars HovdenLars Hovden
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