Drac The Virtual Kvm Plug-in Is Not Installed Or Running

I’ve been able to use Dell’s Remote Console, iDRAC 6, to work with Google Chrome without any issues. You can login to the web interface and navigate all of the menus without any re-configuration to the iDRAC settings. However to launch the Virtual Console and Virtual Media interface, you must make one adjustment. You must change the virtual console from Native to Java and specify the javaws.exe as the launcher for the JNLP file that will download.

1. Log into the web interface for iDRAC.
2. Select System from the right menu and then click Console/Media.
3. Select the Configuration screen menu
4. In the Virtual Console section, locate the Plug-in Type drop-down menu and select Java (Native is the default)

5. Click Apply at the bottom of the screen.
6. Select the Virtual Console and Virtual Media screen and then click Launch Virtual Console to launch the server console.
7. The file viewer.jnlp will download. Once the download is complete, click on the file download notification in Google Chrome to open it.
8. Click the Select a program from a list of installed programs radio button and click OK.

We’re surprised by broken Raritan KVM console (Java application) on some of our workstations, mine included. We could login to the Raritan KVM (Dominion KX II), but could not open console to any server. The best application for this is for a brand new server and no operating system is installed. With DRAC media redirection, a CD-ROM.ISO image of an operating system can be configured to be the CD-ROM and the installation can proceed from the virtual CD-ROM without physical media being inserted into the server.

Make sure the IP-KVM device does not require Java. They never update the firmware on these things. Sure but not all devices comes with IPMI/DRAC/ILO so I prefer a tech neutral solution as in a KVM who will work with anything that got VGA as output and USB as input. Also for the above reason virtual media and such features are not needed.

9. Click Browse…
10. Navigate to the Java Runtime installation directory on your computer and open the BIN folder (the complete path on my computer, which has a default installation, is C:Program FilesJavajre7bin)
11. Select javaws.exe from the list of files and click Open. (This program file is called the Java(TM) Web Start Launcher)
12. Check the box Always use the selected program to open this kind of file and click OK.


Drac 5 Error The Virtual Kvm Plug-in Is Not Installed Or Running

13. Confirm any security or firewall prompts that appear.

That should be it. If you get the following error, you might have to change some setting in Java:

Error Message: Missing required permissions manifest attribute in main jar

This error appears with newer versions of Java, and you’ll need to do the following:

1. Open Control Panel
2. Click on Java

3. Click on the Security Tab, and then “Edit Site List”
4. Enter the iDrac URL in the List

Now you should be able to follow the above steps and open the .jar file and get to the console!

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Ppapi Plug-in Is Not Installed Firefox

Important Note

Sorry folks - I haven't had much time recently to improve this script, and I think that it's become non-functional (at least the parts that depend on the old slop gem). If someone wants to take this over, feel free. - Jason Gill


This script makes it easy to access the Dell iDRAC KVM from the command line, without having to open a browser.

Requires the rest-client, net-ssh-gateway, and slop gems. Install with:

You will also need a working copy of javaws, and it has been reported that the non-Sun/Oracle copy of javawsincluded with some Linux distros don't work. You may want to test that you can actually get to the KVM viewermanually before using this script.

Note that if you are running idrac-kvm.rb from a Linux machine, this script will automatically attempt to compilethe iDRAC Keycode hack from https://github.com/pjr/keycode-idrac. This hack is required to make the arrow keys work.

The script also tries to clean up after itself, even if the Java viewer crashes (which is often). The script willautomatically send the logout command to the server and close your session out cleanly so that you do not get lockedout of the iDRAC interface. If the logout command is not sent, you may find yourself getting an odd error when tryingto connect again - not a very good situation if your server is offline.

Note that this has only been tested against Dell iDRAC6 so far - if you have an older DRAC card that I can use fortesting, please let me know (or submit a pull request with a patch)


Ppapi Plug-in Is Not Installed


Kronos Java Plug-in Is Not Installed

To log in via a SSH tunnel to an intermediate server:

Ppapi Plug-in Is Not Installed Safari

To log in directly to an iDRAC host